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The Sisters of St. Agnes Invite the Public to Join Conversations of the Heart this Fall

This unsettling, polarized time in history calls for a transformation of consciousness within the human collective. The Sisters of St. Agnes believe that is the only way forward, the only way to handle the angst and build communities of hope. To that end, they have assembled resources which contain helpful information about holding challenging conversations and finding common ground from which to act for the betterment of our world. Please visit to find resources to use on your own.

For a greater group experience, the public is invited to attend Conversations of the Heart. This 6-week series is open to the public. It will be held in person at the CSA Motherhouse (Hwy K in Fond du Lac) 6-8 pm on Tuesdays. To ensure the conversation is made up of diverse identities and perspectives, there is an application process. Applications for the Fall 2024 cohort will be accepted until July 19. Applicants must commit to attending all six dates – September 5, 19; October 3, 17, 31; and November 14. Applicants will be notified by August 1 if they will be part of this cohort. The group will be limited to 21 participants. Apply at

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