State Senator Dan Feyen (R-Fond du Lac) released the following statement after Governor Tony Evers’ 2025 State of the State Address:
“Governor Evers wants to highlight the tax cuts he has implemented over the last six years, emphasizing that Wisconsinites have experienced a 15 percent income tax reduction or more. Additionally, residents will benefit from $1.5 billion in annual tax relief, primarily aimed at the middle class.
However, I have some news for you, Governor. The State of Wisconsin has been sitting on record surpluses for far too long, due to over-collection of taxes. Current estimates indicate that our government has collected $4.5 million more than necessary to operate. That’s money that should be in your pockets, not sitting in a government bank account. We have attempted to implement further tax cuts, but you have repeatedly vetoed our proposals. This is the people’s money, and it is high time we return it to them through additional tax cuts.
Tax cuts must be our priority as we begin this legislative session. My constituents are not asking for an expansion of government; they want their tax dollars spent wisely, and they want any unspent funds returned where they belong.
While Governor Evers may plan to use this surplus for his initiatives, Republicans will focus on returning this money to the people and reducing the tax burden going forward.
I am ready and excited to work for the people of the 20th Senate District in 2025,” said State Senator Dan Feyen.